Mission & Vision

Our main activity is scientific research in the field of tillage.

The main activity of the Association is scientific research in the field of remediation (amelioration) of soil, as a system of related scientific disciplines. The main interest in its activities, the Association realizes through basic, applied and developmental scientific research system of remediation (amelioration) of soil using advances in biology; chemistry; geology; hydrology; meteorology; and spatial planning. Scientific activities of the Association shall be performed in accordance with the Law on Scientific Research of Serbia and set program work orientation published in the Statute and other acts of SRBSTRO.

SRBSTRO main task is to study the micro and macro phenomena, and their forms, relations, conditions and processes that accompany them into the physical-biological system. The investigations include, above all, areas of Serbia, and with international cooperation, studies comprise the region of the Balkan Peninsula, southern and Central Europe, and the whole world.

The mission of the Association, as a scientific research organization, is to bring together basic, applied and development multidisciplinary research of natural sciences, with an increasing application of acquired knowledge in order to improve the processing of soils. At the same time, the Association deals with the popularization of science and spreading of scientific knowledge and skills in the public and private sectors, and among individuals, for sustainable land development.

The Association makes its contribution through:

- The results of research and innovation in strategic areas that are in accordance with the needs and development potentials in Serbia; scientific works of its members as state-of-the-art research, published by the Association as part of its publishing activities;

- Cooperation with domestic and foreign institutions in the field of research, scientific and educational system;

- Training experts in the field of agriculture in order to acquire knowledge and skills necessary for successful work. The Association has hired 20 members (including the XX PhDs, masters of XX, X holders of master's degrees in engineering and H) that implement projects financed by donations and funds for development. Also, the activities of the Association engage a certain number of technical assistants;

- Provision of consultancy and other services leading to implementation of the latest knowledge and technologies in the field of tillage;

- Responding to global issues and contributing to the development of joint solutions and innovative ideas through the organization of and participation in various conferences and seminars on current topics, as well as the publication of scientific papers of members of the Association in leading international scientific journals in the world;

- Popularization of science and raising social awareness about the importance of scientific research and innovation for society as a whole, primarily through lectures, promotion and participation of the Association at various events in Serbia.